Canine or Dog Cushing Disease Treatment

A bit frustrating to find out that your beloved dog has cushing disease, but at least there is some relieve that will help your four legged buddy feel a little more comfort in life.

The combination that seems to work well for many is to give them Flax Hull Lignans and Melatonin.

Plant lignans are converted in the body to other lignans such as enterolactone.  Enterolactone is a major-endogenous-mammilian lignan formed by the action of intestinal bacteria on plant lignans when they are ingested, and acts as a phytoestrogen in the body.

Yep, like you, I don’t quit understand it. But it is good for our furry barking friends that are suffering from cushings. According to the University of Tennesse College of Veterinary Medicine, suggested dose of Flax Hull Lignans is about 1 mg per lb of your dogs body weight.

Now to get full benifit, you need to add Melatonin, which is available from most health food stores.  Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland and who’s job is to help regulate hormones and the body’s circadian rhythm.  Now days in veterinary medicine, Melatonin is used as a natural treatment for coat loss in dogs, cats and ferrets too!  But, researchers are not exactly sure how Melatonin helps thicken and regrow fur. However, some researchers seem to agree that it may be the relationship melatonin has with sunlight and the body’s circadian rhythm, while other’s think Malatonin’s antioxidants properties help promote hair growth.  Melatonin has also shown to help a pet gain back weight after stress, illness, surgery, and also aides with anxiety, insomnia, and phobias with noise.

Research recommends for our doggie friends, not exceeding 3 to 6 mg of Melatonin every 8 to 12 hours.

  • As a guideline:
  • 1.5 mg twice daily for dogs under 25 pounds
  • 3 mg twice daily for average to large sized dogs
  • 6 mg twice daily if you dog weight exceeds 100 pounds.
  • If it works better to dose once a day for your dog, doing so in the evening is recommended.